Khloe Kardashian NEW Closet 2022

Yes, we have all been keeping up with the “Kardashians” on their new show and on the finale of the first season of their new revamped show, Khloe’s amazing house is finally finished. Which means…Khloe has a new closet to show off. As she was so surprised and overwhelmed on the show about the house and then her closet, we knew this was going to amazing.

Khloe’s closet opens up to an accessory room with an island in the middle which includes shoes, handbags and jewelry however you keep walking through which then leads into another room with all of her clothing. This massive closet features head to toe organization of a true fashion collector. With a wall of Hermes Birkins and Judith Leiber crystal handbags, the closet is everyone’s dream closet.

We were able to find some snap shots of this amazing closet to share with you.

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